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“Botanicals” Extra Virgin Olive Oil – 500ml

“Botanicals” Extra Virgin Olive Oil – 500ml


Introducing Rio Largo “Botanicals” Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, where nature’s bounty meets culinary excellence in a 500ml bottle.

Crafted with a blend of carefully selected botanicals and the finest extra virgin olive oil, this masterpiece of flavour offers a sensory journey like no other. With its velvety texture and rich complexity, this olive oil elevates dishes to new heights, whether drizzled over fresh salads, used as a marinade for grilled vegetables, or simply paired with crusty bread.

Let Rio Largo “Botanicals” Olive Oil transport you to a world of culinary adventure, where each taste is a celebration of South Africa’s natural abundant gifts delivered straight to your door by Sidwell’s.

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Additional information

Weight 1.14 kg
Dimensions 11 × 11 × 15 cm


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