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Six Dogs Potstilled XO Brandy

Six Dogs Potstilled XO Brandy


At Six Dogs we set out to uncover the finest vats of aged Brandy in South Africa. Our aim was to create the smoothest brandy possible.

In collaboration with renowned South African brandy distillers, we made our selection from different distilleries and different vats before beginning the blending process. Made from Chenin Blanc and Colombar grapes from the Western Cape Wine region, each brandy selected has been double distilled in copper pot stills and aged in small French oak barrels for a minimum period of ten years.

To enhance the warm tone and smoothness of the blend we introduced a very small quantity of hand-harvested fynbos honey from our own hives, and then blended down to the lowest alcohol level permitted in brandy in SA, namely 38% ABV. The result is Six Dogs XO Brandy, complex and smooth on the palate with flavours of peach and apricot and a hint of coconut, and a lingering aftertaste of honey, passion fruit, dried peaches, dates and fig.

Smooth enough to appeal to seasoned Cognac drinkers as well as those new to the spirit.

2 in stock

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– Alcohol by volume: 38%
– Volume per bottle: 750ml

Additional information

Weight 1.43 kg


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