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Seven Springs Unoaked Chardonnay

Seven Springs Unoaked Chardonnay


Vivid and brilliant citrus-lime colour, gives way to an apples and pear aroma. Once swallowed, the restrained fruit gives way to a zesty, clean, fresh, flinty finish. Dry as a bone, this Unoaked Chardonnay is light and refreshing.

This wine will pair easily with fish, grilled asparagus with poached egg and most poultry dishes. The restraint of the mid-palate and the freshness of the finish will make short work of heavier foods too. Truly invigorating, this wine can be drunk on its own (or you may share it with a friend!).

SKU: N/A Category: Tags:, ,


Technical Analysis

Alcohol: 12%

Residual Sugar: 1.60g/l

Total Acidity: 5.5 g/l

pH: 3.09

Size: (750ml)
Harvested: By hand 14th February 2020

Ageing potential: 5-7 years

Additional information

Weight N/A

1 Bottle, 6 of a kind


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