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Six Dogs Karoo Gin

Six Dogs Karoo Gin


Six Dogs Karoo Gin was the very first product to come out of Six Dogs Distillery. It took exactly 187 iterations and over two years of trials to get this Gin perfectly balanced and to our liking.
Our farm, where our Gin is made, intersects three different bioregions including the succulent Karoo. It is from here that we gather the Karoo thorn flower and wild lavender that make our Gin unique amongst all the gins in the world.

We use a neutral cane spirit as the base for our Six Dogs Karoo Gin as it doesn’t have much smell or taste, which means the aromas of our Karoo botanicals can come through beautifully.
Six Dogs Karoo is a delicate and balanced Gin of twelve select botanicals, including the Karoo thorn flower (known as a ‘doringboom’ or ‘soetdoring’ in Afrikaans), wild lavender and farm-grown lemon buchu. Known as South Africa’s “miracle herb”, lemon buchu is an ingenious plant with a refreshing citrus flavour. Buchu is known for its health benefits and is often used to treat inflammation.

Six Dogs Karoo is a London Dry style gin. Sip it and you will pick up the paired notes of juniper and wild lavender that introduce the Karoo. What follows is a fresh medley of citrus including limes, mandarins and farm-grown lemon buchu.

Six Dogs Karoo can be enjoyed neat over ice or with a splash of good Indian tonic. As the flavours of this Gin are delicate and balanced, it needs no garnish! However if you must add garnish, we recommend a wedge of lime or an orange rind.

It’s because of Six Dogs Karoo Gin that the Six Dogs team was invited to hold the international bursary spot at Junipalooza gin festival in London in 2018. The festival owners described Karoo as “nothing short of a holiday in a glass” and wrote a truly humbling review.

Additional information

Weight 1.32 kg