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Six Dogs Honey Lime Gin

Six Dogs Honey Lime Gin


Six Dogs Honey Lime is an irresistible combination of farm honey, home-grown limes and the finest botanical spirit. Sip it and you’ll taste classic notes of juniper, coriander and the earthy tones of angelica, complemented by a bite of zesty limes and a subtle infusion of honey to soften and sweeten the overall taste.

Six Dogs Honey Lime is the inevitable result of a sustainability project that began when South African bee conservation company, Bee Smiths, approached us to relocate rescued bees to the farm where our distillery is situated.

While our six dogs soon learnt to keep a respectful distance from the hives, we learnt that the combination of farm honey and home-grown limes, when blended with the finest botanical spirit, proved irresistible.

Sip it and you will taste a subtle sweetness that cuts through the zestiness of the limes. Six Dogs Honey Lime is best enjoyed with ice and a good Indian tonic on a hot summer’s day.




– Alcohol by volume: 43%
– Volume per bottle: 700ml

Additional information

Weight 1.32 kg


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