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Six Dogs Pinotage Stained Gin

Six Dogs Pinotage Stained Gin


Six Dogs Pinotage Stained is deep in colour and bold in flavour. It is the newest member of the pack.

Six Dogs Pinotage Stained get its colour whole berry pinotage grapes, which are carefully handpicked and added to waiting tanks of Gin, which naturally infuse the liquid with their colour and flavour profile. The dark, wine-like hue is entirely natural and there are no artificial colouring agents or other additives in this Gin.

The distinguishing botanicals in Six Dogs Pinotage Stained are whole berry pinotage grapes. These are what make this Gin so special and truly South African while other noteworthy botanicals include juniper, cassia bark, angelica and coriander.

The overall taste sensation of Six Dogs Pinotage Stained embodies the freshness of a classic dry gin but offers the infusion of a uniquely South African cultivar: pinotage grapes. Sip it and you’ll taste notes of black cherry, plum, blackcurrant and some tannin. While each year’s grapes bring unique (albeit subtle) variants in taste, the juniper-forward flavour is consistent with each batch.

The best way to enjoy is to sip it neat over ice or dilute with a splash of good tonic to create a fusion of terroir, cultivar and the finest Gin Six Dogs can make. If you like to add garnish, we recommend frozen red grapes or a slice of fresh citrus.



– Alcohol by volume: 43%
– Volume per bottle: 700ml

Additional information

Weight 1.32 kg


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