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Seven Springs Sauvignon Blanc 2020

Seven Springs Sauvignon Blanc 2020


Fresh, clean and vibrant, with beautiful, floral notes of elderflower and white peach on the nose and palate. Hints of asparagus and mown grass. As elegant wine with a fine structure, crisp, mouth-watering finish this is akin to a European, cooler-climate style Sauvignon Blanc.

This wine will pair easily with all sea-food dishes, crudité’s and cuts through rich pate’s like a hot knife through butter. Truly refreshing, this wine can even drunk unaccompanied, as a medium-bodied aperitif.

SKU: N/A Category: Tags:,


Technical Analysis

Alcohol: 13%

Residual Sugar: 1.70g/l

Total Acidity: 5.9 g/l

pH: 3.22

Size: 750ml
Harvested: By hand 25th February 2020

Ageing potential: 5-7 years

Additional information

Weight N/A

1 Bottle, 6 Bottles


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