Age & Residency Verification

By clicking ENTER you are verifying that you are of legal age to purchase alcohol in your country of residence and in the country for which you are accessing the site. Your country of Residence is the United Kingdom.
Please drink alcohol responsibly. Say NO! if you are driving

Only The Best

Our focus is and will always be providing quality

Quality Gin

A variety of quality, delicate and balanced Gins from Six Dogs.

Finest Brandy

A collaboration between Six Dogs and the finest distillers in South Africa.

Enriching Olive Oil

Award-winning extra virgin olive oil produced in sunny South Africa.

Boutique Wine

We're still sourcing. This is still our little secret, but coming soon.

Our Beautiful Brands

Our brands are uniquely South African

About Sidwell's

Discerning goods for discerning customers

At Sidwell’s we endeavour to source high-quality products and deliver them right to your door. From unique gins to the finest brandy to award-winning extra virgin olive oil.

These products are not readily available in UK stores and have been imported to satisfy your discerning tastes.

The dream was simple. Provide the UK with some of the finest that South Africa has to offer.

Sidwell’s is the proud sole supplier of Six Dogs Distillery and Rio Largo in the UK. With our ever-growing product catalog, we have you covered from the kitchen to the bar.

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